SPARC Support Grant Program 2024/2025 Round 2

This is a preview of the SPARC Support Grant Program 2024/2025 Round 2 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.



The SPARC Support Grant Program is designed to support cultural organisations and individuals to initiate and develop projects that support regional creative diversity, innovation and growth. Founded in the Values, Goals and Actions of the 2020 Dubbo Regional Council Cultural Plan (SPARC Plan).

Before you complete this application you must read the SPARC Support Grant Program Guidelines and the SPARC Cultural Plan.

Each application can apply for up to $10,000.00 each round and is required to address the following:

  1. The project/program must address:
    1. Proposed project including its proposed goals and outcomes
    2. The capacity of the organisation to deliver the proposed goals of the project
    3. Outline the key milestones of the project and expected timeline 
    4. How the proposed project supports the outcomes and goals of the 2020 Dubbo Regional Council Cultural Plan (SPARC)
  2. Demonstrate the capacity to manage funds and deliver the project/program within twelve (12) months

Funding can be applied for:

  • Performances and exhibitions
  • Increased skills and professional development opportunities for creatives
  • New works that extend creatives and cultural forms
  • Community arts, cultural development and cultural education
  • Initiatives that strengthen cultural tourism and connections between culture and economic growth
  • Projects that support and platform local creative voices and perspectives 
  • Heritage programs that support access, preservation and understanding of regional stories

Council will highly consider programs that:

  • Directly action and support the outcomes of the SPARC Plan 
  • Provide unique, diverse and equitable cultural outcomes for the community
  • Support the development and growth of a robust cultural sector 
  • Prioritise the development of new and emerging cultural programs or experiences
  • Display cross-collaboration between community groups 
Attach a file: Select stored file
    If you are not applying as a non-for-profit entity, evidence could include a letter confirming this status.
    Address Line 1, Suburb/Town, State/Province, Postcode, and Country are required. Address Line 1, Suburb/Town, State/Province, and Postcode are required.
    Must be an Australian phone number. Must be an Australian phone number. Please enter as XXXX XXX XXX
    Must be an email address. 
    Must be a valid Australian bank account format. 
    The ABN provided will be used to look up the following information.
    Click Lookup above to check that you have entered the ABN correctly.
    Australian Business Register Information
    Entity name
    ABN status
    Entity type
    Goods & Services Tax (GST)
    DGR Endorsed
    ATO Charity Type
    ACNC Registration
    Tax Concessions
    Main business location
    Must be an ABN. 


    Are you applying as? * Required
    Response required.
    Are you one of the following? * Required
    Response required.
    For more information regarding entity types, please review Pages 4-6 of the SPARC Support Grant Program Guidelines. * Required
    How did you hear about the SPARC Support Grant Program?